Uh, yeah, I do twitter
I initially expressed lots of doubts and, truth be told, I still have a lot of them, but I have relented. If, for reasons I cannot fathom, you find yourself wondering “gee, what is Nancy doing today?” or just feel an overwhelming urge to have me in your sphere of persistent contacts, you can find me in 140 characters or less here.
Warning: It’s not very interesting.
Why is my Facebook profile locked down and my Twitter profile public? Guess, that’ll be something to discuss at Mesh. If I can figure it out by then…
Andrew wrote:
- hang in there Nancy – it took me about 500 posts and to break 100 followers / following before it really started to make sense to me: @andrewmccluskey – but if you persevere – it starts to deliver real value…
Posted on 01-May-08 at 4:01 pm | Permalink