Internet Inquiry is Here!

I got my hard copies of my new book Fed Ex today, and it’s being offered at 2/3 the regular price at Amazon so if you’ve been waiting to order it, now’s the time! Besides Annette and me, the authors include (in order of appearance):
- Christine Hine
- Lori Kendall
- danah boyd
- Ramesh Srinivasan
- Elaine Lally
- Jenny Sundén
- John Campbell
- Shani Orgad
- Maria Bakardjieva
- Radhika Gajjala
- Malin Sveningsson
- Elizabeth Buchanan
- Susannah Stern
Muriel wrote:
A friend of mine just posted this blog entry about email ethos. When I read it I found myself wondering what your opinion on the topic would be. Here’s the link,forgive me if I’m pointing you to something you have already covered. Cheers!
Posted on 29-Jul-08 at 1:18 pm | Permalink